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Dom Ferrari

Hey guys, thanks for making one hell of a bad ass product. I’ve been DE shaving for years and thanks to SY Wilson in Arlington, Tn, finally got to put my hands on your products and made the switch to straight razor shaving. I’ve been eyeing your line since it came out but it took those guys carrying the line to get me to fully commit. Robert gave me a little square sticker to go with the set he sold me. I tried putting it on my hard hat and it has a couple little ripples because of the contours. Think you might have any small decals I could get? Possibly even a t-shirt (size m)? I’ve gotten tons of questions about it already and definitely want to sport your logo as many chances I get. Thanks again for making my shaves that much better. Sincerely, Dom Ferrari


Louie Capri

Good Morning Gentlemen, I wrote you previously about the great overall response of your preshave, soap and aftershave. Everyone loves the Smolder line. 100% of the men shaved LOVE it and 99% of the women that come in to the salon like the aroma. With that in mind we ordered a starter kit to start selling your products. Well, since I needed a new shave brush I took one of the 4 that came in the pack. Oh, my god! What a difference from my OMEGA synthetics. I liked them until I used yours! What a fast, rich lather it produced! I am very impressed with your products! Thank you!


Jordan McCormick

Have been using a straight razor and your shaving products for a couple years now. Just got my first beard care kit and absolutely love it. Thank you guys for the wonderful products.  


Josh Dickman

I was given what i thought was a cheap-o Grim Dollar kit last year and used it for a few months before stepping up to a Thiers Issard Rams Horn…. I’ve found that this hasn’t been much of a step up at all. Considering the price difference, you guys make one hell of a razor! I might throw a nice set of scales on it one day, but I have no doubt that it’ll be my go-to for years to come, as well as my first recommendation to anyone wanting to try straight razor shaving! Thanks for offering such an inexpensive entry point to straight razor shaving…. You guys rock! Regards, Josh Dickman



Thank you, like looking at the videos and on the youtube channel’s will in this short story a person Ray Standbearl will in the moving company at apace vin line’s ray had a grim repper on his chest just before leaving the moving company he reach for his razor and put it in his right pocket i know what’s going in this country and walk out the door talk to you later dave but not sure. Thank you.


Igor A. Garcia

I recently bought a Bear Balm and a Cologne from the website I just want to say you have an amazing product. The smell is out of this world (SMOLDER). It really gives you a clean sensation trough the day. Thank you very much for such a fantastic product. Regards, Igor


Ken Kirkup

I’ve got a few reviews of your products on my YouTube channel. The latest was yesterday. Keep up the great work. Ken


Gary prill

As a Navy Sailor I shave every day, and for 12 years I’ve been doing this. I have used every razor out there always to the same result. Burning and discomfort instantly following my shave. About a year ago I switched to one of your straight razors and right now cinder shave cream. I truly love it, as an avid supporting I have converted two other members of my ship from dollar shave club to a straight razor by y’all. Keep up the awesome work, I love your product and to prove it will keep referring people to switch as long as I’m dragging a razor across my face every morning.


Doug Greene

Love your new soap. I’ve had tons of soaps over the past 30 years or so and yours is right up there or above any soap I’ve used. I can’t wait to try your other scents. Thanks for making such a great product at a great price. Doug Greene


Simon Dean

As a guy that’s been shaving with a straight razor since the age of 14 because he appreciates the aesthetic of the instrument, and ritual and craftsmanship of it all, as much as the fact that it is the best way of getting a shave, I was immediately drawn to you guys back when I saw what looked like a poison bottle that contained beard oil, and the first ever carbon fiber handle on a cut throat razor that didn’t look cheap and tacky at all. …Also, calling a blade “The Butcher” is always going to gain you interest. The issue I have is that living in the UK has yet again caused problems, as all I have been able to find of yours on this little island was your beard oil. What I’d love to buy though, is the aforementioned Butcher blade, the gallows stand, perhaps the coffin box, the smolder cologne and some beard conditioners, the wallet just because it looks cool as hell, (and if I’m feeling naughty which I’m pretty sure I am, the completionist in me would love to pick up the Kamisori blade because I’ve never tried one before). So my question is do you guys ship to the UK? …if so, how is that charged, and if not, could you tell me if you have anyone in the UK selling your products other than the oil? Many thanks for throwing your gauntlet into this field, hope you carry on doing great things. :)